Leírás és Paraméterek
S8-PR-3-M01-NN Tárgyreflexiós Háttérelnyomásos Optikai Érzékelő, LED, NPN, M12 lengőcsatlakozó, Műanyag ház, Sn: 50…300 mm
A Datalogic Datalogic S8 érzékelő sorozat a legnehezebb detektálási feladatok megoldására született mint például a túl kicsi, túl gyors, túl világos, túl fényes célobjektumok érzékelése.
Rendkívüli teljesítmény nyújt amellett hogy egészen kompakt méretekkel (14x42x25 mm) rendelkezik.
Funkció | Tárgyreflexiós optikai érzékelő háttérkitakarással |
Kimenet | NPN NO |
Power supply | Vdc 12…30 V |
Approximate dimensions | (mm) 14x42x25 |
Housing material | ABS, Stainless Steel AISI 316L |
Mechanical protection | IP69K (Stainless Steel AISI 316L vers.), IP67 |
Power supply | 12 … 30 Vdc (battery inversion protected) |
Ripple | 2 Vpp max. |
Consumption | (output current excluded) 30 mA; 35 mA (mod. S8...M01); 20 mA (mod. S8...F), 15 mA (mod. S8...G) max.; 40mA max. all IO-Link Models |
Light emission | red LED 660 nm (mod. S8…B01/C/M/G/T) RGB LEDs:blue 465 nm, green 520 nm, red 630nm with automatic selection (mod. S8…W) UV LED 375 nm (mod. S8…U) red Laser 645..665 nm (mod. S8…B51/B53/M) Class 1 |
Sensitivity Settin | 8-turn distance adjustment trimmer (mod. S8…M53/M) / teach-in push button (mod. S8…B53/B53...OZ/M53/W03/W03...OZ/W13/T53/T53...OZ/U03/U03...OZ) remote input (mod. S8…M53)mono-turn trimmer (mod. S8…B01/C/F/M/T51) |
Operating mode | automatic auto adjustement (mod. S8…W/T50) remote input (mod. S8…M53) LIGHT / DARK mono-turn trimmer (mod. S8…B/C/F/T51/T53/U) |
Indicators | yellow OUTPUT LED (all models excl. mod. S8...G), OUTPUT/ALARM LED (mod. S8…M53/M/C) green POWER LED |
Output | PNP or NPN N.O. ; PNP/NPN/Push Pull fully configurable outputs for all IO-Link models (S8...B53/T53/W03/U03...OZ) |
Output current | 100 mA (overload protection and short circuit) |
Saturation voltage | 2 V max. |
Response time | 1 ms (mod. S8…M53/M) 500 μs (mod. S8…B/F/C) 250 μs (mod. S8…T/T53...OZ IO-Link) 100 μs (Laser vers. mod. S8…M) 50 μs (mod. S8…W00/W03/W03..OZ IO-Link and Laser mod. S8…B51/B53...OZ IO-Link) 20 μs (mod. S8…W13) 250 μs…1 ms (mod. S8…U) and U03...OZ IO-Link |
Switching frequency | 500 Hz (mod. S8…M53/M) 1 kHz (mod. S8…B/F/C) 2 kHz (mod. S8…T/T53...OZ IO-Link) 5 kHz (Laser vers. mod. S8…M) 10kHz (mod. S8…W00/W0/W03..OZ IO-Link and Laser mod. S8…B51/B53...OZ IO-Link) 25 kHz (mod. S8…W13) 500 Hz…2 kHz (mod. S8…U) and U03...OZ IO-Link |
Connection | M8 4-pole connector, 150 mm length Ø 4 mm cable with M12 4-pole connector (pig-tail vers.) |
Dielectric strength | 1500 VAC 1 min between electronic parts and housing |
Insulating resistance | >20 MΩ 500 VDC between electronic parts and housing |
Mechanical protection | IP67, IP69K (mod. S8-M) |
Ambient light rejection | according to EN 60947-5-2 |
Vibrations | 0.5 mm amplitude, 10 … 55 Hz frequency, for every axis (EN60068-2-6) |
Shock resistance | 11 ms (30 G) 6 shocks per every axis (EN60068-2-27) |
Housing material | ABS, Stainless Steel AISI 316L |
Optical window | material window in PMMA; lens in PC |
Operating temperature | -10 … 55 °C |
Storage temperature | -20 … 70 °C |
Weight | 12 g max. conn. vers., 50 g pig-tail vers., 70 g max. (mod. S8-M) |