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RUTC50 5G Ipari Mobilnet Router WIFI 6 & GNSS & 5 x Gigabit ETH

236.142 Ft + ÁFA ( 299.900 Ft )
Elérhetőség: Raktáron
Szállítási díj: Ingyenes
Gyártó cikkszám: RUTC50200000
Cikkszám: RUTC50200000
Nem értékelt
Gyártó: Teltonika Networks

Teltonika Networks RUTC50 5G Ipari Mobilnet Router - A Teltonika új 5G mobilinternet Wi-Fi 6 Routere

Leírás és Paraméterek

Teltonika Networks RUTC50 5G WiFi6 Ipari Mobilnet Router

  • 5G Ultramagas, akár 3,4 Gbps-os mobilinternet sebesség

  • SA & NSA - Mindkét architektúrát támogatja az 5G infrastruktúra kihasználása érdekében

  • DUAL SIM - Automatikus feladatátvétellel, biztonsági WAN-nal és egyéb automatikus átváltási forgatókönyvekkel

  • WIFI 6 - 802.11b/g/n/ac/ax (Wi-Fi 6) akár 2402Mbps adatátviteli sebességgel (Dual Band, MU-MIMO) akár 512 egyidejű kapcsolat

  • BÁRHOL HASZNÁLHATÓ: Visszafelé kompatibilis a 4G (akár LTE CAT 20) és a 3G hálózati technológiákkal

  • GNSS - Globális navigációs műholdrendszer támogatás a pontos  helymeghatározáshoz geofencing funkcióval 

  • 5 x GIGABIT ETH: 4 x LAN port + 1 x WAN port (LAN-ként is konfigurálható) 10/100/1000 Mbps,  IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, 802.3az standard szerint, auto MDI/MDIX támogatással

  • MEGNÖVELT FELDOLGOZÁSI TELJESÍTMÉNY - többfelhasználós és edge computing alkalmazásokhoz Dual-core, 1.3 GHz, ARM Cortex A53 CPU-val

A RUTC50 egy 5G router, amely kétsávos Wi-Fi 6 technológiával és többfelhasználós MIMO-val rendelkezik, amely ultramagas, akár 3,4 Gbps-os mobilhálózati sebességet biztosít. Ez az 5G router két SIM-kártyával is fel van szerelve automatikus feladatátvétellel, öt db Gigabit Ethernet porttal és GNSS-sel a pontos helykövetés érdekében. A RUTC50 támogatja mind az SA, mind az NSA 5G architektúrát, és visszafelé kompatibilis a 4G (Cat 20) és 3G hálózatokkal is, így robusztus és megbízható teljesítményt biztosít bárhol is legyen használva.

Az 5G technológia ereje az interfészek és ipari hardverfunkciók széles skálájával kombinálva biztosítja az alkalmazkodóképességet a jövőbeni frissítésekhez és bővítésekhez.

Az RUTC50 a már bizonyított RutOS rendszerrel érkezik, amely fejlett biztonsági funkciókat és speciális ipari protokollokat biztosít a professzionális alkalmazások széles skálájához, kompatibilis a távoli felügyeleti rendszerünkkel (RMS), amely lehetővé teszi a távfelügyeletet és a nagy eszközparkok optimalizált monitorozását.

5 x gigabites Ethernet port, Wi-Fi 6 Dual-band multi-user MIMO, a Globális műholdas navigációs rendszer és az USB interfész, valamint a DUAL SIM 5G modem teszi ezt az eszközt pótolhatatlanná azokban az alkalmazásokban, ahol a biztonságos és a nagy sebességű megbízható adatkapcsolat elengedhetetlen.

Az egyedi programozás, a távfelügyelet és a biztonsági funkciók még magasabb szintre lettek tökéletesítve így a RUTC50 kiváló választás IoT és az M2M alkalmazásokhoz.

Mobilinternet 5G(SA/NSA), 4G/LTE (Cat 20)
WiFi WiFi 6 IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ax 2.4 GHz + IEEE 802.11a/n/ac/ax 5 GHz
Ethernet 5 x 10/100/1000 Mbps
SIM 2 x SIM foglalat
Mobile module 5G Sub-6Ghz SA/NSA 2.4/3.4Gbps DL (4x4 MIMO), 900/550 Mbps UL (2x2); 4G (LTE) – LTE Cat 20 2.0Gbps DL, 210Mbps UL; 3G – 42 Mbps DL, 5.76Mbps UL
SIM switch 2 SIM cards, auto-switch cases:weak signal, data limit, SMS limit, roaming, no network, network denied, data connection fail, SIM idle protection
Status Signal strength (RSSI), SINR, RSRP, RSRQ, EC/IO, RSCP, Bytes sent/received, connected band, IMSI, ICCID, SIM provider, operator, network type, cell ID, LAC, TAC, ARFCN, UARFCN, EARFCN
SMS SMS status, SMS configuration, send/read SMS via HTTP POST/GET, EMAIL to SMS, SMS to EMAIL, SMS to HTTP, SMS to SMS, scheduled SMS, SMS autoreply, SMPP
USSD Supports sending and reading Unstructured Supplementary Service Data messages
Black/White list Operator black/white list
Band management Band lock, Used band status display
Bridge mode Direct connection (bridge) between mobile ISP and device on LAN
Passthrough Gateway assigns its mobile WAN IP address to another device on LAN
Multiple PDN Possibility to use different PDNs for multiple network access and services
Framed routing Framed routing:support an IP network behind 5G UE
Wireless mode 802.11b/g/n/ac/ax (Wi-Fi 6) with data transmission rates up to 2402Mbps on 5GHz, 576Mbps on 2.4GHz (Dual Band, MU-MIMO)
WiFi security WPA2-Enterprise - PEAP, WPA2-PSK, WPA-EAP, WPA-PSK, WPA3-SAE, WPA3-EAP, OWE; AES-CCMP, TKIP, Auto-cipher modes, client separation, EAP-TLS with PKCS#12 certificates, disable auto-reconnect
ESSID ESSID stealth mode
WiFi users Up to 512 simultaneous connections
Wireless mesh/roaming Wireless mesh (802.11s), fast roaming (802.11r), BSS transition management (802.11v), radio resource measurement (802.11k)
Wireless MAC filter Whitelist, blacklist
Wireless QR code generator Once scanned, a user will automatically enter your network without needing to input login information.
WAN 1 x WAN port 10/100/1000 Mbps, compliance with IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, 802.3az standards, supports auto MDI/MDIX crossover
LAN 4 x LAN ports, 10/100/1000 Mbps, compliance with IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, 802.3az standards, supports auto MDI/MDIX crossover
Network protocols TCP, UDP, IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, NTP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SSL v3, TLS, PPP, PPPoE, SSH, DHCP, SNMP, MQTT, Wake on LAN (WOL)
Routing Static routing, Dynamic routing (BGP, OSPF v2, RIP v1/v2, EIGRP, NHRP), Policy based routing
VoIP passthrough support H.323 and SIP-alg protocol NAT helpers, allowing proper routing of VoIP packets
Connection monitoring Ping Reboot, Wget Reboot, Periodic Reboot, LCP and ICMP for link inspection
Firewall Port forwards, traffic rules, custom rules
DHCP Static and dynamic IP allocation
DDNS Supported >25 service providers, others can be configured manually
SSHFS Possibility to mount remote file system via SSH protocol
QoS / Smart Queue Management (SQM) Traffic priority queuing by source/destination, service, protocol or port, WMM, 802.11e
Network backup Wi-Fi WAN, Mobile, VRRP, Wired options, each of which can be used as an automatic Failover
Authentication Pre-shared key, digital certificates, X.509 certificates, TACACS+, Radius, IP & login attempts block, time-based login blocking, built-in random password generator
Firewall Pre-configured firewall rules can be enabled via WebUI, unlimited firewall configuration via CLI; DMZ; NAT; NAT-T
Attack prevention DDOS prevention (SYN flood protection, SSH attack prevention, HTTP/HTTPS attack prevention), port scan prevention (SYN-FIN, SYN-RST, X-mas, NULL flags, FIN scan attacks)
VLAN Port and tag-based VLAN separation
Mobile quota control Mobile data limit, customizable period, start time, warning limit, phone number
WEB filter Blacklist for blocking out unwanted websites, Whitelist for specifying allowed sites only
Access control Flexible access control of SSH, Web interface, CLI and Telnet
OpenVPN Multiple clients and a server can run simultaneously, 27 encryption methods
OpenVPN Encryption DES-CBC 64, RC2-CBC 128, DES-EDE-CBC 128, DES-EDE3-CBC 192, DESX-CBC 192,
BF-CBC 128, RC2-40-CBC 40, CAST5-CBC 128, RC2-64-CBC 64, AES-128-CBC 128, AES-128-CFB 128, AES-128-CFB1 128, AES-128-CFB8 128, AES-128-OFB 128, AES-128-GCM 128, AES-192-CFB 192, AES-192-CFB1 192, AES-192-CFB8 192, AES-192-OFB 192, AES-192-CBC 192, AES-192-GCM 192, AES-256-GCM 256, AES-256-CFB 256, AES-256-CFB1 256, AES-256-CFB8 256, AES-256-OFB 256, AES-256-CBC 256
GRE GRE tunnel, GRE tunnel over IPsec support
IPsec IKEv1, IKEv2, with 14 encryption methods for IPsec (3DES, DES, AES128, AES192, AES256, AES128GCM8, AES192GCM8, AES256GCM8, AES128GCM12, AES192GCM12, AES256GCM12, AES128GCM16, AES192GCM16, AES256GCM16)
SSTP SSTP client instance support
STUNNEL Proxy designed to add TLS encryption functionality to existing clients and servers without any changes in the program’s code
DMVPN Method of building scalable IPsec VPNs
PPTP, L2TP Client/Server services can run simultaneously, L2TPv3 support
WireGuard WireGuard VPN client and server support
ZeroTier ZeroTier VPN
Tinc Tinc offers encryption, authentication and compression in it's tunnels. Client and server support.
Tailscale Tailscale offers speed, stability, and simplicity over traditional VPNs. Encrypted point-to-point connections using the open source WireGuard protocol
MODBUS Supported modes Server, Client
Supported MODBUS connection type TCP, USB
Custom registers MODBUS TCP custom register block requests, which read/write to a file inside the router, and can be used to extend MODBUS TCP Client functionality
Supported data formats 8-bit:INT, UINT; 16-bit:INT, UINT (MSB or LSB first); 32-bit:float, INT, UINT (ABCD (big-endian), DCBA (little-endian), CDAB, BADC), HEX, ASCII
Gateway Allows sending commands and receiving data from MODBUS Master through the MQTT broker
Supported modes TCP Master, DNP3 Outstation
Protocols HTTP(S), MQTT, Azure MQTT, Kinesis
Clouds of things Allows monitoring of:Device data, Mobile data, Network info, Availability
ThingWorx Allows monitoring of:WAN Type, WAN IP Mobile Operator Name, Mobile Signal Strength, Mobile Network Type
Cumulocity Allows monitoring of:Device Model, Revision and Serial Number, Mobile Cell ID, ICCID, IMEI, Connection Type, Operator, Signal Strength, WAN Type and IP
Azure IoT Hub Can send device IP, Number of bytes send/received/ 3G connection state, Network link state, IMEI, ICCID, Model, Manufacturer, Serial, Revision, IMSI, Sim State, PIN state, GSM signal, WCDMA RSCP, WCDMA EC/IO, LTE RSRP, LTE SINR, LTE RSRQ, CELL ID, Operator, Operator number, Connection type, Temperature, PIN count to Azure IoT Hub server
WEB UI HTTP/HTTPS, status, configuration, FW update, CLI, troubleshoot, event log, system log, kernel log
FOTA Firmware update from server, automatic notification
SSH SSH (v1, v2)
SMS SMS status, SMS configuration, send/read SMS via HTTP POST/GET
CALL Reboot, Status, Mobile data on/off, Output on/off
TR-069 OpenACS, EasyCwmp, ACSLite, tGem, LibreACS, GenieACS, FreeACS, LibCWMP, Friendly tech, AVSystem
MQTT MQTT Broker, MQTT publisher
SNMP SNMP (v1, v2, v3), SNMP trap
MODBUS MODBUS TCP status/control
RMS Teltonika Remote Management System (RMS)
CPU Mediatek, Dual-core, 1.3 GHz, ARM Cortex A53
FLASH storage 16MB serial NOR flash, 512MB serial NAND flash
WEB UI Update FW from file, check FW on server, configuration profiles, configuration backup
FOTA Update FW
RMS Update FW/configuration for multiple devices at once
Keep settings Update FW without losing current configuration
Operating system RutOS (OpenWrt based Linux OS)
Supported languages Busybox shell, Lua, C, C++
Development tools SDK package with build environment provided
GPL customization You can create your own custom, branded firmware and web page application by changing colours, logos, and other elements in our firmware to fit your or your clients’ needs
GNSS GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo and QZSS
Coordinates GNSS coordinates via WebUI, SMS, TAVL, RMS
Server software Supports server software:TAVL, RMS
Geofencing Multiple configurable geofence zones
Data rate USB 2.0
Applications Samba share, USB-to-serial,
External devices Possibility to connect external HDD, flash drive, additional modem, printer
Storage formats FAT, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS (read-only), ext2, ext3, ext4
Input 1 x Digital Input, 0 - 6 V detected as logic low, 8 - 30 V detected as logic high
Output 1 x Digital Output, Open collector output, max output 30 V, 300 mA
Events SMS, Email, RMS
I/O juggler Allows setting certain I/O conditions to initiate event
Connector 4-pin industrial DC power socket
Input voltage range 9 – 50 VDC, reverse polarity protection, surge protection >51 VDC 10us max
PoE (passive) Possibility to power up through LAN1 port, not compatible with IEEE802.3af, 802.3at and 802.3bt standards, Mode B, 9 - 30 VDC
Power consumption Idle:< 4.5 W, Max:< 13.5 W
Ethernet 5 x RJ45 ports, 10/100/1000 Mbps
I/Os 1 x Digital Input, 1 x Digital Output on 4-pin power connector
LEDs 4 x WAN status LEDs, 3 x Mobile connection type, 3 x Mobile connection strength, 8 x LAN status, 1 x Power, 2 x 2.4G and 5G Wi-Fi, 2 x WAN status
SIM 2 x SIM slots (Mini SIM - 2FF), 1.8 V/3 V, external SIM holders, eSIM (Optional)
Power 1 x 4-pin DC power connector
Antennas 4 x SMA for Mobile, 3 x RP-SMA for WiFi, 1 x SMA for GNSS
USB 1 x USB A port for external devices
Reset Reboot/User default reset/Factory reset button
Other 1 x Grounding screw
Casing material Aluminum housing
Dimensions (W x H x D) 130.4 x 42.6 x 103.4 mm
Weight 452 g
Mounting options DIN rail (can be mounted on two sides), flat surface placement
Operating temperature -40 °C to 75 °C
Ingress Protection Rating IP30


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